Family Storytelling
When we look back at our experiences together, we can pull out stories that have special meaning to us. This storytelling is a powerful way to express and share our family’s unique past. Listen in on two of my favorites growing up with two older brothers, and you will understand the vital role of the family story.
The house where I grew up had a cozy fireplace in the family room. Next to it was a small compartment where wood was stored. Our winter’s supply of logs could be put directly into this storage box by opening a small door at the back. Wood didn't have to be carried through the house. We simply stacked and stockpiled it in this box, using the outside door. Unexpectedly, my parents slowly learned that this same double door feature also accommodated the lifestyle of teenagers. I vividly recall the year after my oldest brother Dean had been away at college. A distinguishing feature of this age was arriving home extremely late after being out with friends. On one such night, my mother thought everyone was in the house, and locked the main door. When my brother returned home, he quickly discovered that he couldn't get inside. Resourcefully, he recalled the wood box "entrance" and proceeded to come into the house through it. My mother, who is a light sleeper, heard the sounds of wood falling (as we usually kept a large supply of logs). When my brother pushed through, in the hopes of being unnoticed at three o'clock in the morning, he looked up to see her there to "greet" him.
Another favorite story is the one we tell about this same brother leaving on a trip. Suitcase packed, it sat outside on the ground near the back of his car. But during the distractions of saying goodbye, he forgot to put it in the trunk before he left. Much to our surprise, when he drove down the carport hill, he ran over his suitcase! He quickly realized what had happened, got out, threw it in the back, and drove off down the road. We never let my brother Dean forget this “accident” of sorts, and howl with laughter every time we retell this story. Remembering our past in this way, serves to deepen our bond, connect us, and quite simply, bring laughter to us all. Humor is key to our story selection process. For certain, by repeating our pasts through storytelling, we experience profound joy.
Stories like these abound in all families. Use storytelling to share much-loved moments from your past. What are some of your family’s favorites?